Upcoming Events

Silent Knights

Saturday, December 8th 2018 1-5pm
St. Joseph Parish Center
68 Central St, Auburn

Please join us for a family friendly, fun-filled afternoon including police and fire themed games, prizes, photo booth, storytime with the Cat in the Hat, Paw Patrol's Chase and Marshall, and much more at Project Nova, Inc.'s 2nd Annual Silent Knights event!!
Participate in our raffle and silent auction to win some amazing items. Proceeds will go towards continuing our Badges & Books program that was recently implemented in the Auburn Police and Fire-Rescue Department, as well as help launch this program in other local departments. Proceeds will also continue to support our Cordelia Cares program as well as the launch of our Penny’s Pals program.
Come on down, have some fun, and support a great community cause! We can't wait to see you there!

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Contact us

  • Address

    PO Box 524
    60 Auburn St
    Auburn, MA 01501

  • Email

    michelle @ projectnovainc.org